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Our People

Jeremy 003

Jeremy Lovell-Smith

Principal Research Scientist

Temperature and Humidity

Areas of expertise

  • Humidity generation and measurement
  • Characterisation and calibration of humidity sensors
  • Propagation of uncertainty
  • Development of humidity reference equations


PhD, Chemical and Process Engineering, 1997


Jeremy was brought into the Measurement Standards Laboratory in 1997 to establish the national humidity standard and quickly developed links with industry and other research organisations with a survey of NZ needs, and with his peers in other national humidity laboratories, through a survey of their calibration laboratories and practice. With the help of his colleague Ross Mason, Jeremy opened MSL’s humidity laboratory in 2000 and since then the laboratory has provided NZ and overseas users with state-of-the-art humidity calibrations over a wide range of humidity and temperature, ensuring where possible that the performance of the instrument under calibration is tested under the full range of conditions under use. Since 2002, Jeremy and Ross have provided numerous humidity training workshops in the main centres.

Following his attendance at the 3rd International Symposium for Humidity and Moisture (1998) in London, Jeremy has been active in the international humidity community through conference presentations, journal publications, membership of international committees (of CIPM.CCT, APMP.T and IAPWS), and international collaborations. He was technical co-chair (humidity and moisture) for the Joint ISHM-TEMPMEKO 2010 conference in Slovenia and guest editor for the International Journal of Thermophysics. He is a co-founder of the New Zealand Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (NZAPWS), and is a member of the SCOR/IAPSO/IAPWS Joint Committee on Seawater.

Jeremy has been a technical expert for several IANZ accredited laboratories in New Zealand and for NMIs in the Asia-Pacific region.

Professional activities

  • Member, CCT WG Humidity
  • Chair (till 2014) and member, APMP TCT Working Group on Humidity
  • Member, APMP TCT Working Group on Key Comparisons
  • Member, APMP TCT Working Group on CMC’s
  • Co-chair, International Program Committee, ISHM-TEMPMEKO 2010 Joint event
  • Guest-editor, International Journal of Thermophysics
  • Member, executive committee of NZAPWS (New Zealand branch IAPWS)
  • Member, IAPWS working group on the Thermophysical Properties of Water and Steam
  • Member, IAPWS subcommittee on Seawater
  • Member, SCOR/IAPSO/IAPWS Joint Committee on Seawater
  • Member, Metrology Society of Australasia


J Lovell-Smith, "The propagation of uncertainty for humidity calculations” Metrologia, 46 (2009) 607-615.

J Lovell-Smith and J Neilsen, “Calibration Equations for humidity applications”, in Proceedings of TEMPMEKO 2004, 9th International Symposium on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science, edited by D Zvizdic, LPM/FSB, Zagreb, 945–950, 2005

Lovell-Smith JW and Pearson H, "On the concept of relative humidity", Metrologia, 43 (2006) 129-134

Lovell-Smith JW, "On correlation in the vapour pressure formulations", Metrologia 43(2006) 556-560

Lovell-Smith JW, “An expression for the uncertainty in the water vapour pressure enhancement factor for moist air”, Metrologia, 44(2007) L49-L52

Lovell-Smith J, “The propagation of uncertainty for humidity calculations”, Metrologia, 46(2009) 607-615

Lovell-Smith JW, “The modification of vapor pressure reference functions to include parameter covariance”. International Journal of Thermophysics, (2012) doi: 10.1007/s10765-012-1221-1

Feistel, R., Lovell-Smith, J., Hellmuth, O., “Virial Approximation of the TEOS-10 Equation for the Fugacity of Water in Humid Air”. International Journal of Thermophysics (2015) 36, 44–68

Lovell-Smith, J. W., Feistel, R., Harvey, A. H., Hellmuth, O., Bell, S. A., Heinonen, M., & Cooper, J. R. (2015). Metrological challenges for measurements of key climatological observables. Part 4: atmospheric relative humidity. Metrologia, 53(1), R40.

Feistel, R., Lovell-Smith, J. W., Saunders, P., & Seitz, S. (2016). Uncertainty of empirical correlation equations. Metrologia, 53(4), 1079.

Feistel, R. and Lovell-Smith, J. (2017) Defining relative humidity in terms of water activity. Part 1: definition. Metrologia.